Rize Technologies

Beware of Deepfakes! Learn to Spot the Different Types

Have you ever seen a video of your favorite celebrity saying something outrageous? Then later, you find out it was completely fabricated?

Welcome to the world of deepfakes. This is a rapidly evolving technology that uses artificial intelligence to create synthetic media. They can appear real but are actually manipulated. Bad actors can use deepfakes to spread misinformation. They are also used in phishing attacks.

So, what are the different types of deepfakes, and how can you spot them?


This is the most common type. Here, the face of one person is seamlessly superimposed onto another’s body in a video.

Here’s how to spot them:

  • Look for inconsistencies: Pay close attention to lighting, skin tones, and facial expressions.
  • Check the source: Where did you encounter the video? Be cautious of unverified sources and unknown channels.
  • Listen closely: Does the voice sound natural? Incongruences in voice tone, pitch, or accent can be giveaways.


This type involves generating synthetic voice recordings. They mimic a specific person’s speech patterns and intonations. Scammers can use these to create fake audio messages.

Here’s how to spot them:

  • Focus on the audio quality: Deepfake audio can sound slightly robotic or unnatural. Pay attention to unusual pauses or strange emphases.
  • Compare the content: Does the content of the audio message align with what the person would say? Consider if the content seems out of character or contradicts known facts.
  • Seek verification: Is there any independent evidence to support the claims made? If not, approach it with healthy skepticism.


This is an emerging type of deepfake. It uses AI to generate written content such as social media posts, articles, or emails. They mimic the writing style of a specific person or publication. These can be particularly dangerous.

Here’s how to spot them:

  • Read critically: Pay attention to the writing style, vocabulary, and tone.
  • Check factual accuracy: Verify the information presented in the text against reliable sources.
  • Be wary of emotional triggers: Be cautious of content that evokes strong emotions.


This type uses AI to manipulate objects within real video footage.

Here’s how to spot them:

  • Observe physics and movement: Pay attention to how objects move in the video.
  • Seek original footage: If possible, try to find the original source of the video footage.

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